Blog Work

Welcome to Blog Work. Your blog is your place. Nevertheless, remember that your blog will be out on the internet so express yourself knowing that anyone could read it. In spite of that precaution, I want you to use this place to share your ideas and opinions with the class. Most importantly, have fun! I'm excited to share these writing assignments with you. Consider the questions only as a guide to your writing. You are not obligated to answer any or all questions in your blog entry.

Assignment 1

Listen to the radio show called "Fresh Air." This show features authors, musicians, politicians, actors and other subjects each day (M-F) on FM 90.7 at 12:00 PM. You can find archives of the show to listen to, back as far as 1996! Look around for a subject that might interest you, click on it and take a listen. Here are my suggestions:

Which show or shows did you listen to? Why did you choose this/these show/s? What new information did you learn? What is your opinion about the show/s you listened to?

Assignment 2

Listen to this sneaky way to punctuate your correspondences. How does the actual message differ from the secret message? have you ever said one thing but meant another? Explain. What does this tell about the way we communicate?

Assignment 3

This blog work is dedicated to the actions of the current administration regarding the war in Iraq. The links that I chose reflect my point of view on the war. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not?

For the Salon article, you will have to sign up for a free day pass. Ask for help if you don't know how.

Assignment 4

Check out this comical linguistics site dedicated to humorous English mistakes made in mainly Japanese advertising and product design. Talk about your favorite mistakes or try to guess the actual intent of the advertiser? What types of cultural differences do you think might play a part in the confusion? Have you experienced a cultural misunderstanding? Talk about your experiences or encounters with other cultures.

Assignment 5

Check out this pop culture treasure trove called retrocrush. There is so much fun on this site it will be hard to pick just one. Let me guide you to one of my favorites that I found under the archives called 50 coolest monkeys of all time.

Assignment 6

Check out these political cartoons. Which ones do you find funny? Which ones and why? Do some cross the line of good taste? Which ones and why?

Assignment 7

Check out this blog discussion about breast feeding. Don't forget to link to the accompanying article and be sure to read it before responding to the issue. How do you respond to the blog discussion? How do you respond to the article about formula companies and the misleading information that they bring to the public? Do you see any similarities between this misinformation and the misinformation of that the tobacco companies have given to the public about the risks of smoking? Now read some of these articles from science daily about the health benefits to breast feeding.

What are your feelings about breast feeding? Beast feeding in public? Check out the La Leche League web site for more information.

Assignment 8

Take some time to read and explore your classmates blog entries. Choose two (or more) blog entries and write a reaction to the content. Post one reaction to your blog and one to the comment function on your classmates blog. Why did you choose the entries for comment? What did another classmate say about your blog entries? Do you agree with their statements? Why or why not?

Assignment 9

Find and recommend and article from Science Daily. Search for something you can use for your writing projects. Find something that's interesting. It's your choice. What is the article about? Tell us why you chose the article and your views on what you read.

Assignment 10

The 2004 election polarized the electorate. Take a look at one citizen's reaction to the election. What are your views on this response? Was yours similar or different? Why or why not?

Assignment 11

Read the poll regarding what American's feel about creationism vs evolution. Then read the Salon article. with more information about this issue. Next, visit and explore this site What are your views regarding this issue? How do your beliefs influence your opinion? How does the evidence fit in with your beliefs. Explain? You will have to sign up for a free day pass in order to be able to read the Salon article!

Assignment 12

Explore some of Auntie Pinko's views on various topics. Choose a topic and argue for or against her opinion. Use evidence to support your claims.

Assignment 13

Read which jobs rate as the worst jobs in science. Which jobs seem just awful? Which ones seem interesting? Why?

Assignment 14

Read these articles on linguistics. What new information did you learn reading these articles or visiting the sites? How does this information change your views about language? How do linguists view language differently than your average English teacher?

Assignment 15

Explore the following web site. In your opinion, which TV shows have "jumped the shark"? Use the guidelines given in the web site to support your claims? You can apply the "jump the shark" metaphor to describe an author, movie, or music group's decline if you are not into Television.

Assignment 16

Check this web page! What is your reaction to the advertisements? Do you agree with the author's comments about them? Why or why not?

Assignment 17

Examine this goofy site. Don't forget to look at the fashion page! What is your reaction to this site? You might consider writing about gender roles in society, men and women's fashions that have changed over time, or simply the whimsicle nature of the site. Have fun and laugh out loud!

Assignment 18

Take the Typology Test. What do the profiles say about you. Does the assessment accurately describe you? Why or why not?

Assignment 19

Check out the picture on this web page What is your reaction to this picture? How would you answer the author's question?

Assignment 20

Take some time to read and explore your instructor's blog entries. Post one reaction to your blog and one to the comment function on your imstructor's blog. Why did you choose the entries for comment? Do you agree with their statements or content of the entries? Why or why not?