Types of Papers


This paper does not take a position on an issue. This paper includes only history or information about
a topic. Writing a report does not meet the minimum assignment criteria.

One Half Report/One Half Argument

This paper takes a position somewhere within the paper but much of the paper is still a report. History
or topic information is included within the paper as a filler to meet the page requirement.

Argument But No Support

This paper includes personal opinion but has little or no citation to back up the claims.

Thesis and Body Contradict

This paper states on idea for the thesis but the body of the paper contains contradicting support.
Ideas within the body might also contradict with the sources included.

One Half Support/One Half Opinion

This paper includes all the support, facts, statistics in one half of the paper and the opinion in
the other. The paper needs to blend opinion with appropriate support.

Blended But with Format Problems

This paper appropriately blends support with a claim. However, the paper has pictures, large spacing,
or other short cutting methods such as report-like information included.

Blended and Formatted

This paper is generally well blended, uses few short cutting methods, and has few formatting problems.
