Goodman (1965)-context vs. lists
- Replication studies
- Comparison studies
- Context vs. phonics
- Good readers vs. poor readers
- Eye movement studies
- Young readers vs. older readers
- Researchers not using authentic texts
- Visual and auditory learning style differences
- Motivational or cultural shortcomings from family background
Phonemic Awareness and Alphabetic Coding
- Predictors of success
- Relatedness among features of PA, AC, WI, and M
- Explicit instruction is a well established conclusion
- Reading as natural language idea not supported by linguists,
psychologists, or cognitive scientists
Exclusion is Not a Part of Code-Oriented Research and Theory
- Allows for conception of reading and writing relationship
- Allows for functional use of developing decoding skills
- Goal is construction of meaning
Classroom Application
- Policy deemphasizes phonics instruction
- Teachers not trained or motivated to teach phonics